Why Terrorism Cannot Be Solved Forever?

“Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” ―Adolf Hitler

I have always been a patriotic American and always will be, but the truth remains that Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). We should pray for our country's leaders as 1st Timothy 2:1-2 commands us to do, but this does not mean blindly supporting them. Deceivers like Bill O'Reilly at FOX NEWS has labeled anyone who vocally disagrees with The White House as being "unpatriotic." That's just plain old, rotten, dirty, media irresponsibility. What ever happened to the First Amendment, you know, the freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to assemble and petition our government? Bill O'Reilly is a disgrace to his profession for expecting Americans to support the high crimes being committed in Washington D.C.

While people sit home across America in front of their TV, deliberately being shown reality videos of their fellow citizens committing crimes to nurture distrust in society; television producers won't dare expose the hideous crimes being committed by high-ranking leaders—trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars, convicted government thieves (like Phillip Winn) being pardoned, the Communist administrative 4th branch of government, the treasonous crimes of allowing U.S. borders to remain open and refusing to prosecute illegals, the illegal war in Iraq, and on and on. There is much garbage being shown on TV today that is causing Americans not to trust anyone anymore. This is deliberate as part of the ongoing attack against the American family. We are living in a sicko society today, who love to watch sicko TV shows, praise sicko celebrities, and vote for sicko politicians like Obama who supports infanticide


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