Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice
Jeremiah 32:35, “And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

Truth is stranger than fiction! Human sacrifice has been around since the beginning of mankind. As we learn from our text verse, child sacrifice occurred in the Old Testament. It is shocking to grasp the truth that God's people actually succumbed to such a heathen practice. Under the right circumstances, anyone is capable of anything. A society that will tolerate and practice the abortion of 57,000,000 children (as we have in America), are capable of any evil. And in fact, abortion is a form of human sacrifice, sacrificing precious lives on the alter of self and personal convenience!

The picture to the right is Moloch. Notice that the man placing a baby into the hands of Moloch, with a fire blazing under the arms of the alter. Notice the people worshipping the large idol. This is wickedness. Idolatry and human sacrifice are often synonymous. The occult and satanism are synonymous. Both groups worship the Devil in one form or another. Satan is often worship by occultists in the form of “Lucifer,” the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 1:13-15). Wiccan witches worship Lucifer. Satanists worship the Devil (although some gullibly claim that Satan is only an ideal to them). Both groups hate Jesus Christ and Biblical Christianity. Lucifer was an archangel in Heaven before he rebelled against God. Michael and Gabriel are also archangels, who didn't follow Lucifer. Luciferians don't like to call Lucifer “the Devil” or “Satan,” because of the evil connotations. Freemasons recognize him as “Baphomet.”

The following disturbing photo is of the Cremation Of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove in California. You can hear a brief clip of the actual ceremony here... CREEPY!!! Alex Jones of snuck in with a camera in the year 2,000 and recorded the event, which sent chills throughout the world as truth-seekers discovered the shocking truth—Our nation's top leaders are Satan worshippers!!! The photo below is from Alex's camera...
ABOVE: Bohemian Grove, a secret society of elite devil worshippers and homosexuals who meet every July just north of San Francisco. President Richard Nixon said it was “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Former attendees included such men as Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite, Alan Greenspan, Jimmy Carter and Colin Powell, to name just a few.
At the Bohemian Grove, the world's top leaders meet every summer just north of San FranSICKO, for an orgy of sexual depravity and debauchery. The meeting features an occult ceremony invoking the god of Bohemia, where a 40-foot owl is worshipped, and a human being is sacrificed in effigy. Many people question if the sacrifice is a real human being. We simply do not know. Actual witches gather outside the gates of the club during its festivities, holding séances and performing witchcraft rituals. Please watch the excellent 2:02 hour eye-opening video by Alex Jones titled, “DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE.” Folks, this is not television, we're talking about real life events here! Our government's leaders and the highest ranking whose who of every industry and profession meet together each year at Bohemian Grove to worship Moloch (Baal). They invoke the spirit of Satan! 
Hollywood is saturated with satanism and the occult. I'm surprised that there is not more information online, considering the massive depth of satanism in our American culture. Human sacrifice is commonplace in the United States and Europe. Every year 50,000 children disappear without a trace in the United States. Shockingly, many of those children are lost by Child Protection Services (CPS). Please watch this disheartening video of Senator Nancy Schafer courageously exposing CPS kidnapping of children for cash incentives, and a massive epidemic of child sexual abuse within the CPS system. Mrs. Schafer and her husband were brutally murdered in 2010 for exposing the child molesting ring operating through the CPS system in the United States. 
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MOVIE CLIP IS HORRIFYING. In 2006, a disturbing movie was produced starring Nicolas Cage titled, “THE WICKER MAN” (this is a brief clip of the film). I didn't play the entire clip, because Mr. Cage sinfully takes the holy Lord's name in vain. This is one of the creepiest films ever made! The frightening thing is that everything in the movie is a 100% accurate portrayal of witchcraft, Baphomet, yin-yang, the phallic symbol (obelisk), goddess worship, the occult and satanism. The female dominated occult group torture Nicolas Cage, breaking both of his legs with a sledge hammer. They then put a bee's helmet over his head and fill it full of several hundred stinging bees, which sting his eyes swollen and blind him. The torture continues and he is injected with adrenaline by the head witch to prevent him from fainting. He is dragged and locked inside a giant Wickerman, which is then set ablaze by his own biological daughter. Nicolas Cage is sacrificed to the goddess, burned alive while screaming and begging for mercy. The cold-hearted crowd laughs and cheers as an innocent man burns to death, and then the film ends. Creepy! 
New Leads Implicate CIA, Government Officials In Child Prostitution Ring
I've done much personal research into the occult, witchcraft and satanism. As a Christian, that makes the subject much more interesting. It also makes it much easier for me to understand such things, because I have a good understanding of the Word of God in the King James Bible. No one can truly understand the New World Order apart from a basic understanding of the Holy Scriptures. The first place to start is with 2nd Corinthians 4:4, which identifies our enemy as, “Satan, the god of this world.” Satan is behind all the major wars in this world. Satan is responsible for the evils of Hollywood. Satan is the owner of Sin City Las Vegas. Satan is the owner of every dirty liquor establishment. Satan is a lying, thieving, murdering, hater! The Devil is a nefarious (extremely wicked) spirit, who never sleeps. 
It shouldn't be surprising that human sacrifice exists, when every year in the U.S. people murder over one million human lives in the womb. The public relations folks at Bohemian Grove assure the concerned public that no human lives are lost during their Cremation Of Care ritual each July at the club. Yet, we still wonder, because of the lying nature of all politicians and our federal government. Mr. Obama has now topped 1,000 lies since accepting the Office of U.S. President several years ago in 2009. It has been a nightmare for our country! 
However, the following human sacrifices are 100% real. Children are deliberately kidnapped, murdered and sacrificed to Satan. Truth is stranger than fiction. This is the world today! END


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