
10 Intriguing Facts About Anunnaki

  1. The term "Anunnaki" translates to "those who came from heaven to earth" in ancient Sumerian language. 2. According to ancient tablet translations, the Anunnaki were said to be the gods who played a vital role in the creation and shaping of human civilization. 3. Sumerian texts describe the Anunnaki as beings who possessed advanced knowledge in fields such as science, technology, and medicine. 4. These ancient texts also describe the Anunnaki as beings with immense physical strength and longevity, living for thousands of years. 5. Some theories suggest that the Anunnaki might have been an extraterrestrial civilization that visited Earth in the distant past and influenced human development. 6. Many ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians and Greeks, had their own interpretations of the Anunnaki, often depicting them as powerful deities. 7. The Anunnaki are believed to have been associated with specific celestial bodies, with some texts referring to them

911 Heroes Silenced

No   gang  o f   vill a ins   is  more  depr a v e d   an d  d es picable   th an th o s e   i n the Bush and Clinton  a dministrations and the ir   c o llab or a tor s . From the Oklahoma City Bombings to the 911 attacks, the  veri ta b l e   proof  i s insurmountabl e . A n  arti c l e  publ ishe d   by  Popular Mechanics ,   t itled "9/11 LIES: Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To The Hard Facts ,"   f a ils  t o  d isc los e  that the "senior researcher" behind  i t is none other than  Mich a el   Chertoff's  cousin ,   Benjam i n  Chertoff  - now  the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  Reg r ett a b ly, the  m a jo r ity   of  American s   rema in woefully  u n awa r e  of the  atro ci ti es being  infli cted  upo n them. It   is   our  right to know  t h e  t ruth   be h i nd 9 / 11;  however,  the 9 / 11 Commission, the Bush Administration ,  and all  other com p licit p arties have done  every th ing in th eir  p o wer  to keep t

The Controversy of the World Trade Center: Real or Fiction?

  I t is   no  sec r e t  th a t   the  go ve r nm e nt's   o f f i c i al   ver s i on  of  the September 11, 2001 attacks  is riddl e d   with misinf or m at ion an d  ignor e d  fi nd i ngs, ultim a te l y   r e nde rin g  it a  w o rk o f fiction.  O n e   canno t  h e lp   bu t   n otic e th e h a s t e   in  w hich th e  pub l ic w a s f ed  this  ver s i o n of event s   the  very next day .   De s pite  e xt en sive   reve la tio n s  about the attacks, the official  narrati ve has  remai ne d   un changed ,  as  if  our government  deems i t   i rreleva n t   af te r   tak in g advan t age  o f  t he  situ a ti on  to pass unconstitutional laws and  eng age  in conflict s  that  re ap  oil profits.  It  is t i me  f or u s,  as a nation,  t o  acknowledge  th e bi t t e r   truth  an d  move on . It   i s a  well-k n own f a c t  t h at th e  tow e r s  were  not br ou g ht   d o wn by plane s ,   bu t  rath er  by  bombs. So why use  the  planes  as a means of destruction